The first piece is a Moravian squirrel bottle.
This is a quote from the North Carolina Pottery Center booklet that can be purchased in the gift shop, "The Moravians are a Protestant sect founded in the German regions of central Europe. During the 1730's they began emigrating to America, first to Georgia and Pennsylvania, and then to North Carolina."
Michael Kline, a potter from the mountains, asked how would this bottle functioned?
I asked Mary Farrell owner of Westmoore Pottery if she has come across an answer to this. She replied, "I don't think anyone really knows the answer to this question. Being a bottle, they could have been used as such. However, I know of no antique ones which have been recovered with any contents inside them. My guess is that they were made and sold mainly as decorative items (The wear patterns - no overabundance of chipping at the bottle openings -- would tend to support this.)"
The Squirrel Bottle is attributed to Rudolph Christ from Forsyth County. The dates are c 1800-1825. This is lead glazed earthenware and is on loan from Old Salem, Inc.

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