On Saturday the Jug was purchased by collector and NCPC supporter Nancy Sidebottom.
This purchase provids the Pottery Center with an additional $600.00 to add to their fundraising efforts.
The generosity of the arts community and especially the North Carolina Potters has been instrumental in making the Fundraising efforts a success.
Along with the money Bulldog Pottery will be donating a check was presented to the NCPC last week by Micheal Kline for $1,941.00.
The money raised was from the raffle by potters Gay Smith, Nick Joerling, Suze Lindsay and Kent McLaughlin, at a total of $1,000.00. Winners are Dorothy and Clyde Collins, hooray!
The Pottery sold at the October Potters market brought a total of $941.00.
Here are the names of generous, donating potters:
Norm Schulman, Cynthia Bringle, Jane Pieser, Stanley Mace Andersen, Pam Brewer, Claudia Dunaway, Jon Ellenbogen & Becky Plummer, Becky Gray, Michael Kline, Linda McFarling, Jim & Shirl Parmentier, Ken Sedberry, Jenny Lou Sherburne, Gay Smith, Joy Tanner, Mark Tomzcak.
From the fundraising committee, staff and board of the NCPC Thank you one and all!