The most distinctive "Brown Sugar" glaze - - one that is widely associated with North Carolina pottery - - is the lead-rutile matte glaze in shades of tan and brown. Ironically, this archetypical North Carolina glaze did not originate there, but was purchased from B. F. Drakenfeld & Co., which was once a major factor in the American ceramics industry. Drakenfeld had its headquarters in New York City and manufacturing facilities in Washington, PA. The company was bought out in 1966 and is now a subsidiary brand of the Ferro Glass & Color Corporation. In its day, Drakenfeld was a major manufacturer of ceramic colorants or "stains." Certain of these were used to color its lead-rutile glazes.
Lead-fluxed glazes fired to moderate earthenware temperatures take on a matte or semi-matte finish if they contain about 4-1/2 to 5 per cent rutile, which is an impure form of titanium oxide. The addition of a colorant or stain to such a glaze gives a mottled tint to the result. Lead-rutile matte glazes with tan-brown or green colorants have a "rustic" look which many buyers found appealing on North Carolina earthenware art pottery. The tan-brown version of this glaze came to be called "Brown Sugar." North Carolina potters being an inventive lot, they soon figured out how to make their own versions of the lead-rutile glazes, and thus how to produce their own "Brown Sugar" variations.
J. B. Cole's Pottery initially purchased its glazes from Ceramic Color And Chemical Mfg. Co., located then as now in New Brighton, PA, near Pittsburgh. These were lead-fluxed frits and as far as I know did not include lead-rutile glazes. When the Ceramic Color glazes developed problems, J. B. Cole purchased equipment and materials and thereafter made its own fritted lead glazes; this was some time in the early 1950s.
The "Brown Sugar" glaze produced by J. B. Cole Pottery after World War II was a double-dip glaze -- the piece was first dipped in white and then in a dark brown glaze. Because the white glaze had a different composition than the colored J. B. Cole glazes, the two were somewhat incompatible and usually would separate during the firing process, forming (ideally) an attractive multi-hued finish in tones of cream, brown, and brass. The process was difficult to control and sometimes the finished piece was a dark brown. If the glazes melded together for some reason, the result was a mustard yellow-brown.
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Another pair of brown-sugar jugs. The "little brown jug" notion was appealing to customers. The jug on the left is not identified; the one on the right is from Brown's Pottery in Arden, N.C.

A pair of small candlesticks and a bud vase glazed in the J. B. Cole brown-over-white glaze combination. These pieces show the attractive mottling which sometimes develops with this version of brown sugar.
J. B. Cole lidded pot in brown-over-white glaze. Another example of the variability of this glaze combination, showing a stippled effect on the sides, light-and-dark rings on the lid, and dark brown on the handle and edges where the glaze thinned during firing.
Above: Three small brown sugar pieces. The candlestick on the left is marked "Seagrove." The

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Text and images copyright 2009 by J. R. Henderson. This article was originally published in Backcountry Notes, North Carolina "Brown Sugar" Art Pottery Glazes. Reprinted by permission.
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